Oct 31, 2007

On Top Of the World.. (Snapshots from the Past)

"What Quizzing means to you depends on what you make out of it"

The buzz on the quiz--A grand total of 1,098 entries — with most pouring in way past the deadline — makes it the biggest open quiz in India. The Telegraph Open-quiz Show (TOPS) has taken the east by storm, as eager quizzers line up to prove their mettle. Space constraint means 600 teams, chosen on a first-come-first-served basis, will take the stage on Saturday at Science City auditorium with a 2,000-plus audience expected to cheer them on. Young Metro catches the buzz.
Guwahati Gangs--Quizzing is sometimes like the 100-metre dash in the Olympics — it’s all about speed and photo-finish. Three young men, calling themselves MI3, crossed the finish line a fraction of a second ahead in the tie-breaker to emerge winners in the Guwahati leg of TOPS on September 4. Jagat Jyoti Saikia, Manasjyoti Sarmah and Biswajit Phukan, however, will not be able to make it to the Calcutta finals due to exams. Taking their place will be Vedanta Kumar Talukdar, Pranami Tamuli and Hrishikesh Mali — Class XI students of team Mensa, who came in second after losing the tie-breaker, despite tying with MI3 with 105 points after eight rounds. Quizomaniacs came in third. Six teams qualified for the final round from the 150.
Here’s what quizmaster Derek has to say on D-Day eve: “The response is absolutely fantastic. It’s a very humbling experience. People said the tradition of open quizzing was dead, and just look at the enthusiasm. I am very happy and excited about the show.”

[Excerpts from The Telegraph]

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